Morgane Denis, Chloé Grasselly, Pierre-Antoine Choffour, Anne Wierinckx, Doriane Mathé, Kamel Chettab, Anne Tourette, Nolan Talhi, Fabian Birzele, Elsa Kress, Lars Petter Jordheim, Christian Klein, Eva-Laure Matera, Charles Dumontet
Immune checkpoint inhibitors, such as antibodies directed against PD-1 and PD-L1, have been shown to produce durable responses in a subset of patients. However, many patients either are refractory or ultimately relapse due to acquired resistance mechanisms. As the underlying mechanisms of this secondary resistance are not well understood, we developed five syngeneic murine tumor models to characterize in vivo variants with acquired resistance to PD-1 and/or PD-L1 antibodies. Resistant in vivo models were obtained by serial treatment/reimplantation cycles in immunocompetent mice bearing MC38, MB49, MBT2, TyrNRas or RENCA tumors.
Download the poster here: Poster MD V3 4961_26072022