Antineo Pancreas Adenocarcinoma tumour model – Panc02H7
▪ Panc02H7 cells
Mouse Panc02H7 cells were isolated from tumors obtained after multiple passages of liver
micrometastases following tumor implantation of Panc02 cells in mice. This model is more aggressive
than the parental Panc02 model.
▪ Tumour growth in vivo
The cells were collected from a tissue culture flask and injected subcutaneously in the right flank of
C57bl/6 mice. The resulting tumours were monitored by measuring two diameters with calipers, and
extrapolating the volume to a sphere.
The mice bearing Panc02H7 tumours can be treated by intra-peritoneal, intra-venous, intra-tumoral
or subcutaneous injection of the compounds. Per os administration is also possible.
Figure 1: (View PDF)
Tumour growth curve of the Panc02H7 cells as subcutaneous tumors Mean ± SEM (n=6; take rate 100%)