Antineo: Ascites Syngeneic tumour model - L1210

  • L1210 Cells:

    Mouse L1210 cells were isolated from a mouse skin tumor.

  • Tumor Growth In Vivo:

    The cells were collected from a tissue culture flask and injected intraperitoneally in B6D2F1 mice.
    The resulting tumors were monitored by weighing the mice.
    The mice bearing L1210 tumors can be treated by intraperitoneal, intravenous, intratumoral, or subcutaneous injection of the compounds. Oral administration is also possible.

Figure 1: (View PDF)

Tumor growth curve of the L1210 cells as ascites tumors.

  • % of weight gain
  • Mean ± SEM (n=8; take rate 100%).

Figure 2: (View PDF)

Kaplan-Meier curve for mice implanted with the L1210 tumor model.
(n=8; take rate 100%).

Drug Responses:

  • Anti-PD1 (12.5 mg/kg) → No response
  • Anti-PDL1 (12.5 mg/kg) → No response


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