Antineo: Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia tumour model – K-562

  • K-562 cells

Human K-562 cells were isolated from the bone marrow of patient with Chronic Myelogenous

  • Tumour growth in vivo

The cells were collected from a tissue culture flask and injected subcutaneously in the right flank of SCID-CB17 mice. The resulting tumours were monitored by measuring two diameters with calipers, and extrapolating the volume to a sphere.
The mice bearing K-562 tumours can be treated by intra-peritoneal, intra-venous, intra-tumoral or subcutaneous injection of the compounds. Per os administration is also possible.

Figure 1: (View PDF)

Tumour growth curve of the K-562 cells as xenograft
Mean ± SEM (n=10; take rate 90%)

Antineo can also perform an IV implantation, using hCD45 Flow Cytometry as follow-up of tumour progression.


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